What is Color Temperature?


Color temperature is the measurement of the light appearance which is measured in degrees of Kelvin (K) on a scale from 1,000 to 10,000. Its origin is based on a hypothesis proposed by the British physicist Kelvin. He assumes that when an ideal black body can absorb all the radiant energy that falls on it without any losses while releasing all the energy due to radiation absorption in the form of light, it will present different colors depending on the level of absorbed radiation energy. It will become more relaxed as the kelvins increase, leading to a whiter color temperature.

General Color Temperature

It has been found that different color temperatures will lead to different emotional responses. Generally, the color temperature of light sources can be divided into three main categories.


I.<3300K——Warm light

With more red light components in the spectrum, it is close to the color of incandescent light and ranges from orange to yellow-white in appearance, giving people a warm, healthy, and comfortable feeling, suitable for hotels, supermarkets, and other occasions.


II.3300~5300K——Neutral white light

It will emit a more neutral white light and may even have a slight blue tint which gives people a comfortable, pleasant, and peaceful feeling, suitable for stores, hospitals, offices, and other most common occasions.


III.>5300K——Cool white light

Its spectrum is close to daylight which gives off a blue-white light that mimics daylight, so it gives people a bright and sober feeling and enables greater concentration, perfect for conference rooms, libraries, factory workshops, and other occasions that require a high degree of attention.

LED Light Color Temperature

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